Sunday, February 7, 2010


This is my music video film. The music is the theme from "28 days later", "In a heart beat."

Kevin is waiting for his girlfriend, Ashley, after work at the beach. Today is Ashley's birthday. Ashley never shows up. A mysterious man gives Kevin a package.....

Is Kevin going to see Ashley's smile again?

Re-edited version. Clear out some of the confusing parts. Hope you like it :)

Fair and Square

Brandon, the king of poker is playing agaist a little girl called Ashley. He is sure that he is going to win. Does Ashley have any chance winning? Lets play fair and square.


This is my 2nd production workshop shot at Western set at Universal studio.

Kevin and Ellie are chased by a Terminator!!!
Will Kevin and Ellie survive the chase?
It's hard to say, since Kevin just had diarrhea before he met Ellie!
Today is not Kevin's lucky day.

spark of love

My Misen scene project film.

This is the first date of Jesse and Ashley. Jesse is tempted to hold Ashley's hand, but the beer bottle is in the way! Will Jesse accomplish his mission? Let us pray for Jesse.


This is my very first production workshop. It was shot at the European set of Universal studio. It was fun and exciting.

This is a story about a couple getting harassed by two mobs. Is the boyfriend brave enough to stop the mobs and protect the girl? You shall see.